Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cover Crops

Bryce: As a soil conditioner, cover crops are hard to beat! They will grow during the cold winter months giving you a moist crumbly humus that improves the soil by 4%. Protecting the surface layer of the soil where the beneficial activity of bacteria, fungi, and earthworms takes place, cover crops also keep the soil from blowing or washing away, baking dry, or compacting under heavy rains. They also help soil absorb more water, put nutrients INTO the ground, and aerate the subsoil. Planting in succession (ex: buckwheat, then more buckwheat, then annual rye) can rid your garden of perennial weeds by shading them out. What to plant: LEGUMES: Alfalfa, Beans, Clover, Fava Beans, Peas, Soybeans, and Vetch. GRAINS: Barley, Bromegrass, Buckwheat, Millet, Oats, Rye, Sudangrass, and Wheat.

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