When I was a little girl, I used to make up games to help me clean my messy room. When I had children of my own, I taught my kids the same games and hoped that it would help them to have a clean room. Now my kids have kids, and I have a messy yard! One "game" I use to clean up the weeds is to concentrate on one type of weed and eradicate it, while ignoring the rest of the weeds, knowing that their turn will arrive soon. Which weed do I target? The one that is going to seed! I don't need to have them self-sow their seeds and make more work for me! Here you see the common dandelion in all of its glory--it's out of here today!!

This is a grass that has green seed-heads, so it will be next on my weed eradication list. This grass has seeded itself in several spots around my back yard. It is a tough grass to pull as the roots really hang on, but I'll get it out!
I took care of these weeds! The grass above is actually hay. I use baled straw in my garden and it has some seeds, which have spouted in my yard. I ignored my yard for the last year and the hay has matured. I got to thinking about mulching, so I took scissors and cut the hay off, and laid it in my veggie boxes. Next, I hope to pick up some coffee grounds at Star Bucks, where I understand they bag up their grounds and give the stuff away for free.
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