Friday, November 20, 2009

Garden Checklist

After leaf drop, apply dormant oil spray for stone fruit trees and almonds to prevent peach leaf curl.

Tasks--stake trees planted in windy areas.
Pruning--prune shrubs and trees to shape--pruning junipers during cool weather prevents sunburn.
Fertilizing--feed cool-weather plants and vegetables.
Planting--if you wish to transplant trees in the fall, it is best to wait until December or January when deciduous and evergreen trees are dormant; dianthus; tulip, Watsonia, grass nut (Trieleia); strawberry; primrose (Primula polyantha), pansy (Viola); camellia.
Things to Ponder--calendula petals (fresh or dried) can be used as a substitute for saffron to color rice or flavor soups and stews. [The picture is of calendula flowers. They come in yellows and oranges, grow all winter, and self-seed easily, although they are not invasive].

Dormant oil spray is also used to cover and suffocate overwintering insects, such as aphids, mites, and scale. You can find dormant oil sprays at hardware stores, although some are toxic. There are less toxic sprays that use more natural ingredients. Dormant oil is used on trees and roses after leaf drop and pruning.

This is one non-toxic spray can be made and used on stone fruit trees, almonds and roses. This would be effective to cover the insects, but not for peach leaf curl:

1 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp. liquid soap
1 gallon of water

Mix the oil and soap thoroughly, then slowly add the water, stirring as you go--the soap helps the water and oil mix together. Pour into a clean garden sprayer, then spray the tree completely. One gallon of mix for one tree [probably a full-sized fruit tree]. Shake the container frequently while spraying. [From: Care2].

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