Saturday, December 26, 2009

Garden Checklist

From The Fresno Bee, December 25, 2009:

January is the time to plan for the new year and to prune away unwanted vegetation.

Tasks--Apply pre-emergent herbicide to lawns and beds late this month. Keep an eye on the weather and deep-water trees and native plants if rainfall has been light.
Pruning--This is the time to work on dormant, deciduous plants--shrubs, vines, grapes and roses, plus fruit and nut trees.
Fertilizing--Always read labels carefully before application. consult a plant expert at a nursery or a master gardener, if you have question.
Planting--This is the beginning of bare-root planting season. It is difficult to visualize the potential of bare-root plants, but they usually come with pictures to give you an idea; canna, crocosomia; asparagus, cabbage and bare-root berries; snapdragon, English daisy (Bellis perennis), calendula, Chrysanthemum paludosum; azalea, camellia, Daphne.
Things to Ponder--This is a good time to look through seed catalogs.

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