Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dog/Cat-Proof Your Garden

Here's a neat trick to keep pets from digging in our gardens! [I had a link here, but it seems that Yahoo was messing with the address, so I will just tell you what it said (I can no longer find the source, either)]. You just lay hog wire across your garden soil. You can use U-shaped wire as pegs to hold the wire down. Some dogs are determined to dig, but if the hog wire is pegged, then it will really slow the dogs down! Cats, on the other hand, would just go somewhere else to do their business if they found the hog wire covering the the soil. (This was from a P. Allen Smith newsletter).


  1. Looks interesting. Tried to go to the link and they want us to register a Yahoo Facebook.
    There was NO direct link to the example.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up on my link. I had posted this yesterday, so it would appear today. I have no way of testing the link until it shows up.
