Monday, August 3, 2009

Green Beans

I grow bush green beans because the are ready to harvest at the same time. Pole green beans grow and are harvested over a longer period of time. The texture of the beans are different, too, with the pole beans more "meaty". To see which you prefer, grow both kinds! Because I want to can my beans, I grow the bush variety.

Bush beans are easy to plant and grow. They are planted 6" apart. For each square foot of garden space, plant 4 beans evenly. Divide each square foot into 4 by drawing a big "+", creating 4 smaller squares that will hold one bean each. Push the seeds down about 1/2" and cover with soil or finished compost. Water well and they should pop up in about a week. Depending on variety, they will be ready for harvest in about 56 days or so.

Pole beans are planted 6" apart all along the base of a trellis. Pole beans need some sort of trellis system and there are many different kinds. Trellises are easy to make at home, using a couple of wood poles, then drape (snugly) string between the poles for the beans to climb on. You can use PCV pipe or metal poles in place of the wood--anything you may have on hand. Pole beans may need a little assistance to find the trellis at first, but once it starts it will climb on its own. Pole beans will start maturing beans about 56 days later and the harvest will go on for about 12 weeks (although it may be shorter towards winter).

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