Friday, July 3, 2009

Leaf-Cutter Bees

I recently made a post about the leaf-cutter bees. They would cut circles out of my Mr. Lincoln rose leaves each year. Last January that rose was removed to make way for a fruit tree. I thought the bees would go elsewhere when they couldn't find "their" rose. But, as you can see in the picture above, they have chosen another rose in my garden to adorn! This made me happy. It's always a surprise when I find the leaves decorated with circles! I love helping nature. I use organic methods in my garden and encourage the good bugs the best I can. Having some "bad" bugs is part of the process--who else would the good bugs eat?!? Each year I see an increase in the number of praying mantises, which are the real warriors in the garden. Lady bugs appear when they are needed, and go elsewhere most of the summer.

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