Friday, October 2, 2009

Flower Planting Tips

P. Allen Smith has a great (free!) weekly newsletter. He has timely information about gardening, and includes a recipe with something from the garden. Recently he has written some things that might interest you:

Dividing and Transplanting Perennials

Making a Dramatic Tulip Container

12 Principles of Design

Mr. Smith also reminds us that if we are planting bulbs and then topping them off with 2-3" of mulch to keep the soil cool and moist, and the weeds down, that mulch needs to be included in the planting depth.

Doug Green has a 1+ minute video showing how to quickly divide perennials. He has some other tips, such as how to tell when the plants need dividing. He is in a colder part of the country, so he says to divide them in September, where here we can divide them from October through February.

Janet Macunovich, at has some nice pictures of dividing perennials, too. If you view each of these web sites, then you will be a master at dividing perennials! Once you see it done, you will see that it is really a simple thing to do!

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