Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birds

Last week my friend, Kathy, mentioned how happy the birds sounded. This morning as I layed in bed trying to go back to sleep after one of my cats wanted out at 5:30, I could hear the birds singing and chirping, making a quite a lot of "happy" noise! Then, I remembered this little poem that came to me early one summer morning last year, just as the birds were waking up:

Morning Birds
Early, one lone bird
Sings, soon joined by another;
Then joyous riot!


  1. Oh the sounds of spring! Too bad the birds have to sing so early though :))

  2. I think it is funny how people view the same thing differently. My mom, when she lived in southern CA, used to complain about the Mockingbirds singing all night. She has been living in northern Idaho for many years now and says she misses hearing them. I always have loved hearing the Mockingbirds at night, I think it is very peaceful. At dawn, when all of the birds are waking up they do make quite a racket!
